Lord Mayor’s Creative Fellowships 2024 recipients

The following Lord Mayor's Creative Fellowships projects were approved in April 2024.

The Lord Mayor's Creative Fellowships support Brisbane artists, arts workers, cultural workers or creative producers to grow their creative careers with professional development opportunities.

RecipientDescriptionAmount approval

Arika Crotty

Will develop a feature screenplay, set in Meanjin (Brisbane), by undertaking a 10-week screenwriting workshop online followed by 10 weeks of one-on-one tuition at the Gotham Writers' Workshop in New York. She’ll then workshop the completed script with an esteemed industry expert in Auckland, New Zealand.


Cecilia Martin

Will undertake a three-month professional development at Tictac Arts Centre in Brussels, Belgium and mentorship with internationally acclaimed choreographer/teacher David Zambrano. Cecilia will return and apply the attained skills in dance, improvisation and performance with their her foundation acrobatic skills to share in workshops for the Brisbane community.


Emma Reid

Will undertake a 3-week intensive training residency at The Open Theatre UK, the world leading organisation for fully accessible theatre arts for young people with intellectual disabilities. Emma will participate in a structured mentoring program which will support her to grow their Brisbane-based performing arts business.


Jessie Hughes

Supported by the New Nordic Way 2024 Creative initiative, Jessie will undertake a 6-week artist residency in Copenhagen, Denmark in digital generative art, followed by presenting a keynote at the New Nordic Way Festival in Espoo, Finland. Her fellowship will extend her artistic practice, while establishing new international networks.


Luke Moller

Under tutelage from renowned guitarist Jason Graumlich, touring band member with Grammy award winning Brothers Osborne, Luke will build new skills in outlaw country style electric guitar in Nashville, USA. Expanding his artistry, he’ll bring these rich and unique sounds to Australia from the global epicenter of country music.


Pauline Maudy

Award-winning Australian composer and singer, Pauline Maudy has been invited to La Petite Fabriek in Belgium by music agent Via Lactea to collaborate with composer Thomas Morzewski and the accomplished Orchestre International du Vetex (the Vetex). Together they will share skills and develop new repertoire for touring and ongoing collaboration.


Xanthe Jones                                             

Will travel to London to experience the world's most famous immersive theatre company, Punchdrunk. Xanthe will attend a masterclass on Punchdrunk’s approach to making theatre, and shadow the creatives as they deliver an original work. She will take her findings and write an original work to produce in Brisbane.


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